A national conversation on weaponizing anger
This isn’t about gun laws in and of themselves. It is about a flawed culture that has interpreted independence as equal to violent power. Societies that turn to violence en masse during times of distress are not healthy. Societies where murderous violence is normalized are downright toxic not just to themselves but others.
Saying we need to have a national conversation on violence, gun violence, is not a condemnation of gun owners. Nor to be successful can it be.
I am a gun hater but I can honestly say people are the problem. We treat guns like a tweet these days and our tweets hold as much malice as our guns can and often do.
Can we have this conversation in a new wa? The old attempts that use language of “gun reform” have failed. Why keep trying what has failed again and again?
On the flip side, gun violence is complex in the US. But to use that complexity as an excuse to maintain the status quo so avoid ownership loss or ownership regulation is as much a part of the sickness as the committee of violence himself (male used purposefully).
Stop calling for gun control. Let’s start a new campaign to demand a national conversation on violence, anger, weaponizing both, and how we want to change as a society.
I realize there are more deaths by cars or sharks or whatever stat you want to tote out if you are a gun defender, but few forms of violence impact the living more than the dead like weaponizing fear, anger, and hate. We can’t leave it alone bc it impacts all of us so deeply, unconsciously. Americans are now different bc of this.
Congress can lead this conversation if just 2 leaders across the aisle or two celebs from different works (say Nashville & New York), rise above.
I’m not interested in ending second Amendment or even controlling guns. The problem is violence. Let’s look at its complexity as a country who all care about each other.
Tell me. How angry and scared are you right now?